Voor de kuipenjongetjes........



1. The money you lose when you sell your chopper
may be tax deductible (please consult with you tax
professional for details).

2. As you rear-end that SUV because your braking
effectiveness is practically nil, you will have a moment
to prepare yourself for your imminent bodily impact
due to the length of your forks.

3. Chicks dig em. (What?!...No passenger seat?).

4. The shower of sparks when the frame scrapes the
street as you bank it over in a turn looks really bitchin'.

5. The rigid rear end will make a trip to the market
seem like the Iron Butt Rally. No more need to log the
hours in the saddle when a 30 minute ride makes
your butt feel like you just rode back from Daytona
(provided you live in Anchorage).

6. Another benefit of a rigid: spinal adjustments.
No more chiropractor bills!

7. Ape hanger handlebars let you effortlessly air out
your arm pits. Just think of the money you'll save on

8. Those straight-through pipes will alert the police
when you are near. You'll feel safe all the time.

9. That flashy machine will give you a great new
time-consuming hobby: polishing chrome! Looks like
"girls night out" again for the old lady.
Chopperflop.com Secret Tip: If you don't like polishing
chrome, keep the chopper covered-up in the garage.

:} :} :} :} :} :}

ik vond deze ook wel leuk. Nog vrijwilligers hier? komt vast wel een leuk filmpje van :)

Maybe you don't ride a bike, but just want to meet
interesting people. Wear one of our shirts to
Sturgis...it'll surely inspire lively conversation.
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